Archives for December 2017

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Receive the good news

Christianity offers the hope of good news: a savior has been born, named Christ the Lord. We have a real need and a real savior who ALONE can really save....

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Reject the alternatives

Besides Christianity, there are four predominant worldviews that compete for allegiance:...

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Three big hints

Jesus is the Savior. All religions and worldviews outside of Christianity have one thing in common: God is not the savior. Either you are your own savior, or there’s no savior at all. ...

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Listen again for the first time

Luke 2:8–21 is perhaps the most familiar passage in all Scriptures. Linus reads it every Christmas for the Charlie Brown television special. Almost every church has a nativity scene stashed somewhere. ...

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The glorious announcement for an unlikely audience

Have you ever wondered what people thought of shepherds in Jesus’ day? People thought shepherds were odd. They lived by themselves, outside of town, sleeping in the open, and surrounded by animals all the time. Their reputation was less than stellar...

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Jesus is like us and unlike us

Jesus’ birth is historical: Christianity is based on fact. It is theological: God entered humanity in order to save us. Finally, it is biographical: What does Jesus’ birth mean for you and me? What does this possibly have to do with our life?...

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The theological meaning of Jesus’ birth, part 2

Today, we conclude answering some of the most common questions regarding God entering history as the man Jesus Christ. The truth is Jesus was fully man and fully God. He lived life perfectly as a man, to serve as our example and a flawless substitute sacrifice in our place. ...

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The theological meaning of Jesus’ birth, part 1

In order to describe the theological significance of Jesus’ birth, theologians like to use the word incarnation. It comes from the Latin meaning “in the flesh.” Incarnation refers to the Christian doctrine that God, who is spirit, took upon Himself human flesh and came as the God-man, the Lord Jesus Christ....

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The historical facts of Jesus’ birth

Luke introduces us to Augustus Caesar, who was ruling at the time that Jesus was born. Augustus Caesar was a very important political leader who ruled over the Roman Empire, one of the most prominent, longstanding, far-reaching empires in the history of the world. He was the adoptive son of Julius Caesar. ...

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God, Jesus Christ, and the abiding guidance of the Holy Spirit are walking through our community and NVCC is prepared to welcome folks with open arms and the Love that can only come from The Living Son of God. See you on Christmas Eve. Keep on Praying!...

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The birth of Jesus Christ

Every Christmas, cards start arriving in the mailbox and songs echo at the mall with the word “Immanuel.” But what does that mean?...

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Replace anxiety with history

Mary has two options in light of all that has happened in her life. She can either give in to anxiety, or she can focus on history: What has God done?...

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Replace worry with worship

One of the lessons we learn from Mary’s example is to replace worry with worship. It’s okay to be concerned about your life, and to make plans for your future. But Jesus says do not worry (Matt. 6:25...

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Song is a means of enjoying, honoring, recognizing, and proclaiming God. Human beings were made to sing...

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Mary’s song

Mary’s song lists at least 17 attributes of the God she loves....

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Worshipping instead of worrying

Unmarried. Poor. Young. Pregnant with God. Mary has a lot to worry about. Rather than worrying, however, we find her worshipping in Luke 1:46...

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Life lessons from two couples

Every man and woman should aspire to have faith like Mary’s. By the grace of God, we should aspire to love God, trust God, and serve Jesus like she did. We should long to have the same kind of heartfelt devotion and affection for Jesus as she did. ...

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Ten things we learn about Jesus

The Scriptures are all about Jesus, and we learn ten things about Jesus from the angel Gabriel’s announcement of His birth....

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Todd and Jeri Experience God's Grace

God’s Grace FREE’S, heals and renews. Todd and Jeri Kehoe’s story reflects God’s liberating power of Grace. Come this Sunday to hear more! This heartfelt story shows how God’s Grace FREE’s and restores lives!...

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“Serving keeps your heart in the right place. It reminds us of our purpose: to share and show the love of Christ to others. We schedule serving on Sunday, but it is really something we do the rest of the week too.” ...

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Damond's Story

Damond knew something was missing. He was not regularly attending North Valley at the time, but later decided he needed to come back and check it out. Soon he found himself coming more and more regularly. He slowly started being interested in learning more about the life of Christ and the Christian message. It’s was all so new to him....

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Favored by God

Gabriel appears to this young girl Mary, and she was startled. Gabriel likely appeared as a man, and men would not have customarily approached and engaged in private with a young woman like that. Additionally, he says that she has found “favor with God.” ...

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The first gospel sermon

Based on how Luke tells her story and describes his research, it is likely that he actually sat down with Mary, an older woman by that time, to ask her questions about her miraculous life. She is a relative of Elizabeth, but when Luke picks up the narrative Mary does not yet know that her elderly cousin is pregnant. Mary is simply a young woman, living a quiet life in a ru...

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The girl who raised God

As the mother of God, Mary is the most significant woman in the history of the world. Mary’s story begins with the Mother of us all: Eve, the first woman in the history of the world....

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Give generously

Since Theophilus has a lot at stake, he hired Luke, a fellow Gentile...

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