Archives for August 2017

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Young Man Sold Out for God!

“I always felt like I was stuck in the middle between them. As long as I can remember I believed there was something, or someone making this world go around, I just couldn’t find a way to connect it.” says Kevin. ...

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Dad is Ready to Baptize his Daughter!

The day Will was baptized was one of the greatest moments of his life. There is nothing he wants more than for his family to experience the same level of joy and fulfillment he found since he accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Will has been talking to Emily about Baptism since he was baptized over a year ago. ...

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Mother and Daughter to Share their Faith through the Joy of Baptism

Casey and Daphne are going to be baptized at North Valley on Sunday, September 10th! We are excited for them and their decision to follow Jesus as they make their public proclamation together before the church family. It is going to be a beautiful moment for everyone as mother and daughter experience the sweet opportunity to share their faith through the joy of Baptism. ...

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Living at Peace in an Anxious World. New Message Series

Living at peace in an anxious world is possible if you know the prince of peace! In this four-week message series, you are going to see the sweet sovereignty of God unfold in the life of Daniel, an Old Testament hero of our faith! God worked powerfully in Daniel’s life just as he can works in peoples lives today! What was Daniel’s secret?...

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Playground Equipment: Nathan

Nathan is a 5-year-old energetic little boy that loves to run and play! He has grown up in North Valley Kids since the day he was born and loves being at church. Nathan has been learning about Jesus and it is amazing to hear what he can tell you about the Bible. He is growing in his faith all the time! However, as most boys his age do, he has so much energy and loves to be...

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