Post Category: Building Relationships That Last

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How North Valley's Easter outreach event changed a life!

Our annual Easter egg hunt has been a big draw for the community. With each egg we set out, we prayed that God would use this fun, family-friendly event to connect people to Jesus and His church relationally. There was one person, in particular, who was looking for a family-friendly Easter egg hunt for her daughter and found a church family!...

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Strong Links

If you think about family genealogy and history like links in a chain of faith, there are broken links, weak links, strong links, and first links. ...

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Jesus’ Grandmothers, Part 2

Ruth converted to the Lord after her husband died, and she became one of the godliest women in the Bible. She was King David’s great-grandma....

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Jesus’ Grandmothers, Part 1

In an unprecedented act, Naomi’s friends seemed to have named the boy Obed in what was possibly a prophetic utterance. Obed means servant, or worshipper, of God....

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Restorer of Life

God’s order of marriage is covenant, consummation, then conception. For the first time, Boaz and Ruth enjoyed the gift of marital intimacy as husband and wife....

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New Beginning

The storyline of Ruth goes from a funeral to a wedding both practically and emotionally. Ruth, which is one of the best-written short stories of all time, concludes with scenes of God’s hand of providential blessing resting upon Boaz, his lovely bride, Ruth, and her mother-in-law, Naomi. ...

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Our Redeemer

Indeed, Boaz shines forth here as a strong, bold, wise, and shrewd redeemer. He was clearly a man of action who made a promise to Ruth, headed immediately into town, called a court meeting to session, invited the unnamed man to sit down and make a decision on the spot, and in a short period, obeyed the law and redeemed Ruth as he led and everyone gladly followed him....

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Part of God's Family

Filled with joy for his legal victory and thrilled to be marrying Ruth, Boaz launched into a speech before those he had assembled to witness this great day of redemption. He promised to lovingly care for Ruth as his wife, as well as Naomi as his mother-in-law, and to honor Ruth’s deceased husband, Mahlon, and Mahlon’s deceased father, Elimelech....

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Joy from God's Plan

Influenced by Boaz’s shrewdness, the unnamed man realized that he couldn’t afford to buy the land and care for the two widows and any children that he might bear through Ruth....

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Strings Attached

By Israelite law, when land was put up for sale, it was preferable for it to be purchased by a near relative to keep it in the family (Leviticus 25:25-30; Jeremiah 32:6-12)....

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