Post Category: Christmas Devotionals

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The Promise of Peace

Christmas at North Valley (1)

"His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6, ESV...

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Giving to God


I can only imagine what joy the wise men felt when brought their gifts to Christ. Joy, joy inexpressible, likely filled their hearts. Matthew records that three gifts were given. This is where many have concluded the number of wise men. The Bible doesn’t tell us how many wise men were actually present, but it does give us a clear description of three gifts that these wis...

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The Star of Joy


What is there to be joyful about on Christmas if your heart is overwhelmed with business? What is there to be joyful about if there is no family to share it? What is there to be joyful about if finances or health is failing? Steady yourself, Christian. The joy the Christ offers is not all limited by one’s circumstances. The joy that Christ offers you is that which was ex...

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Come to Worship Him


It might sound crazy to leave your home in search of a king, but the wise men studied the stars and scriptures and then made a decision. They would travel a great distance to come and worship a newborn King. Their honesty is strikingly bold....

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Asking Questions


The wise men had very little fear. They ask questions because they are learners and not afraid of looking dumb. We have a saying at North Valley: the leaders are the learners. Learners ask questions. Matthew tells us that the wise men came to ask King Herod where the King of the Jews was. ...

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Step of Faith


he wise men were counselors and advisors to political leaders within the Roman Empire. These men studied astrology, dreams, sacred prophetic scriptures, and the arts of magic. At the time of the writing, Jesus had been born in the town of Bethlehem, during the reign of Herod the King....

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Confidence in God


We have looked at God’s Word over the last twenty days, and we've seen how prophecies made concerning the coming Messiah have been fulfilled. From the birth location to the virgin Mary to his very own name, we have seen promises made, and promises kept. God’s Word is true....

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King Jesus Forever


Herod tried to kill Jesus as a toddler. The rumor of a king being born in his small jurisdiction was too much. Yesterday we learned about his fear and fury. Today we learn about King Jesus’ reign forevermore....

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King Herod’s Fury


Who are you angry at? Is your anger solving the problem? Why are you angry?...

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Caesar Augustus: the King of Peace?


Caesar Augustus was the adopted son of Julius Caesar. Augustus was born on September 23rd in 63 BC. He ruled as the Emperor of Rome for the first 14 years of Christ's life. He rose to power in time of great peace for this massive empire....

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