December 25, 2018
by North Valley Community Church
Christmas Devotionals
| Tags: advent, Devotional, Christmas at North Valley
I can only imagine what joy the wise men felt when brought their gifts to Christ. Joy, joy inexpressible, likely filled their hearts. Matthew records that three gifts were given. This is where many have concluded the number of wise men. The Bible doesn’t tell us how many wise men were actually present, but it does give us a clear description of three gifts that these wis...
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December 24, 2018
by North Valley Community Church
Christmas Devotionals
| Tags: advent, Devotional, Christmas at North Valley
What is there to be joyful about on Christmas if your heart is overwhelmed with business? What is there to be joyful about if there is no family to share it? What is there to be joyful about if finances or health is failing? Steady yourself, Christian. The joy the Christ offers is not all limited by one’s circumstances. The joy that Christ offers you is that which was ex...
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December 23, 2018
by North Valley Community Church
Christmas Devotionals
| Tags: advent, Devotional, Christmas at North Valley
It might sound crazy to leave your home in search of a king, but the wise men studied the stars and scriptures and then made a decision. They would travel a great distance to come and worship a newborn King. Their honesty is strikingly bold....
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December 22, 2018
by North Valley Community Church
Christmas Devotionals
| Tags: advent, Devotional, Christmas at North Valley
The wise men had very little fear. They ask questions because they are learners and not afraid of looking dumb. We have a saying at North Valley: the leaders are the learners. Learners ask questions. Matthew tells us that the wise men came to ask King Herod where the King of the Jews was. ...
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December 21, 2018
by North Valley Community Church
Christmas Devotionals
| Tags: advent, Devotional, Christmas at North Valley
he wise men were counselors and advisors to political leaders within the Roman Empire. These men studied astrology, dreams, sacred prophetic scriptures, and the arts of magic. At the time of the writing, Jesus had been born in the town of Bethlehem, during the reign of Herod the King....
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December 20, 2018
by North Valley Community Church
Christmas Devotionals
| Tags: advent, Devotional, Christmas at North Valley
We have looked at God’s Word over the last twenty days, and we've seen how prophecies made concerning the coming Messiah have been fulfilled. From the birth location to the virgin Mary to his very own name, we have seen promises made, and promises kept. God’s Word is true....
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December 19, 2018
by North Valley Community Church
Christmas Devotionals
| Tags: advent, Devotional, Christmas at North Valley
Herod tried to kill Jesus as a toddler. The rumor of a king being born in his small jurisdiction was too much. Yesterday we learned about his fear and fury. Today we learn about King Jesus’ reign forevermore....
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December 18, 2018
by North Valley Community Church
Christmas Devotionals
| Tags: advent, Devotional, Christmas at North Valley
Who are you angry at? Is your anger solving the problem? Why are you angry?...
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December 17, 2018
by North Valley Community Church
Christmas Devotionals
| Tags: advent, Devotional, Christmas at North Valley
Caesar Augustus was the adopted son of Julius Caesar. Augustus was born on September 23rd in 63 BC. He ruled as the Emperor of Rome for the first 14 years of Christ's life. He rose to power in time of great peace for this massive empire....
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December 16, 2018
by North Valley Community Church
Christmas Devotionals
| Tags: advent, Devotional, Christmas at North Valley
As a dad of three kids, I try my best, like most parents, to teach them to do what's right. My goal is to help them become independent of me and dependent upon God. ...
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December 15, 2018
by North Valley Community Church
Christmas Devotionals
| Tags: Christmas at North Valley, Devotional, advent
Luke’s gospel records that Caesar issued a decree that every resident within the Roman Empire should return to their home town to register and pay a special tax. Caesar Augustus issued this decree, but in truth, this decree had already been issued by God....
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December 14, 2018
by North Valley Community Church
Christmas Devotionals
| Tags: advent, Devotional, Christmas at North Valley
Nine months before our Savior’s birth, an angel appeared to a young Jewish girl, Mary, whom Scripture describes as a virgin, engaged to a man named Joseph. Prior to that angelic visit, Mary must have felt great excitement as she anticipated her marriage. ...
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December 13, 2018
by North Valley Community Church
Christmas Devotionals
| Tags: advent, Devotional, Christmas at North Valley
It is pure speculation to assert these were the last words of Christ before He became a baby in the womb of Mary. But they may have been! ...
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December 12, 2018
by North Valley Community Church
Christmas Devotionals
| Tags: advent, Devotional, Christmas at North Valley
By the time that Mary gave birth, hope in God’s promises for forgiveness and deliverance from the empire had reached a fever pitch. Some were looking for a beneficent dictator. Others expected a high-profile miracle worker. Others hoped that a famous prophet like Elijah had come with a spectacular message....
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December 11, 2018
by North Valley Community Church
Christmas Devotionals
| Tags: advent, Devotional, Christmas at North Valley
That first Christmas; all eyes were on Augustus, the cynical Caesar who demanded a census so as to determine a measurement to increase taxes even further. At that time who was interested in a young couple making an eighty-mile trip south from Nazareth? ...
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December 10, 2018
by North Valley Community Church
Christmas Devotionals
| Tags: advent, Devotional, Christmas at North Valley
We don’t have the insight to find the right path, nor the inner power to walk it. That’s why Jesus’s disciple Thomas admitted that he didn’t know the way, even though he was close to the Master. ...
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December 9, 2018
by North Valley Community Church
Christmas Devotionals
| Tags: advent, Devotional, Christmas at North Valley
Unrecognized. Unseen. Undiscovered. Nobody knows. Nobody sees. Nobody cares. As long as there is plenty of food, lots of cheer, a plethora of tinsel, and a cornucopia of gifts, everyone’s happy. Jesus? Who’s that?...
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December 8, 2018
by North Valley Community Church
Christmas Devotionals
| Tags: advent, Devotional, Christmas at North Valley
Scripture: "And you, Bethlehem, land of Judah, Are by no means least among the leaders of Judah; for out of you shall come forth a Ruler Who will shepherd My people Israel." Matthew 2:6, NASB
Consider: Embedded in the memory of many of us who regularly celebrate Christmas is Matthew's quotation of Micah 5:2. "And you, Bethlehem, land of Judah, Are by no means least among ...
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December 7, 2018
by North Valley Community Church
Christmas Devotionals
| Tags: advent, Devotional, Christmas at North Valley
To fully cherish Christ this Advent season, we must first understand God’s motive in giving his son to us! This answer can be found in the familiar and most famous verse in our Bible. John 3:16 says… “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son...” ...
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December 6, 2018
by North Valley Community Church
Christmas Devotionals
| Tags: advent, Devotional, Christmas at North Valley
No prince or president could out-politic him, nor pompous military power subdues him, it's Christ’s call. He can carry upon his shoulders the weight of the sin of the world. He is surely able to carry our daily burdens. What good news!...
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December 5, 2018
by North Valley Community Church
Christmas Devotionals
| Tags: advent, Devotional, Christmas at North Valley
Have you trusted in unwise counsel? The Lord is inviting you to call upon him today for a fresh sense of his power and presence through the Holy Spirit, who serves as your counselor. James 1:5 is God’s guarantee for you ...
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December 4, 2018
by North Valley Community Church
Christmas Devotionals
| Tags: advent, Devotional, Christmas at North Valley
USA Today, did a special on Gertrude Weaver. She was born in 1898, making her the oldest woman in the world. She is from the good ole south, Arkansas. At 117 years old you could say she watched the world change. She was alive before there was the Ford automobile, she was alive before there was a Hitler or a man on the moon. She was there to see the world change. Think abou...
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December 3, 2018
by North Valley Community Church
Christmas Devotionals
| Tags: advent, Devotional, Christmas at North Valley
Isaiah foretold of the Messiah coming as a King David’s descendant. This would mean that Christ comes from royalty and in the line of a rightful King! The birth of Jesus would fulfill God’s redemptive plan for humanity. Jesus as the Messiah would establish a Kingdom like as an empire of God’s grace. ...
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December 2, 2018
by North Valley Community Church
Christmas Devotionals
| Tags: advent, Devotional, Christmas at North Valley
It is hard to turn on the news today and find peace and quiet in the Phoenix Valley. We are now the 5th largest city in the USA. Peace is something not only sought after from major cities of the world but for all mankind. We all long for peace, from major urban epicenters to rural run down villages peace is what we want. We want freedom from disturbance; we want quiet and...
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December 29, 2017
by North Valley Community Church
The Reason for the Season is Jesus
| Tags: advent, daily devotion, The Reason for the Season is Jesus
Christianity offers the hope of good news: a savior has been born, named Christ the Lord. We have a real need and a real savior who ALONE can really save....
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December 28, 2017
by North Valley Community Church
The Reason for the Season is Jesus
| Tags: advent, daily devotion, The Reason for the Season is Jesus
Besides Christianity, there are four predominant worldviews that compete for allegiance:...
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December 27, 2017
by North Valley Community Church
The Reason for the Season is Jesus
| Tags: advent, daily devotion, The Reason for the Season is Jesus
Jesus is the Savior. All religions and worldviews outside of Christianity have one thing in common: God is not the savior. Either you are your own savior, or there’s no savior at all. ...
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December 26, 2017
by North Valley Community Church
The Reason for the Season is Jesus
| Tags: advent, daily devotion, The Reason for the Season is Jesus
Luke 2:8–21 is perhaps the most familiar passage in all Scriptures. Linus reads it every Christmas for the Charlie Brown television special. Almost every church has a nativity scene stashed somewhere. ...
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December 25, 2017
by North Valley Community Church
The Reason for the Season is Jesus
| Tags: advent, daily devotion, The Reason for the Season is Jesus
Have you ever wondered what people thought of shepherds in Jesus’ day?
People thought shepherds were odd. They lived by themselves, outside of town, sleeping in the open, and surrounded by animals all the time. Their reputation was less than stellar...
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December 22, 2017
by North Valley Community Church
The Reason for the Season is Jesus
| Tags: advent, daily devotion, The Reason for the Season is Jesus
Jesus’ birth is historical: Christianity is based on fact. It is theological: God entered humanity in order to save us. Finally, it is biographical: What does Jesus’ birth mean for you and me? What does this possibly have to do with our life?...
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December 21, 2017
by North Valley Community Church
The Reason for the Season is Jesus
| Tags: advent, daily devotion, The Reason for the Season is Jesus
Today, we conclude answering some of the most common questions regarding God entering history as the man Jesus Christ. The truth is Jesus was fully man and fully God. He lived life perfectly as a man, to serve as our example and a flawless substitute sacrifice in our place. ...
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December 20, 2017
by North Valley Community Church
The Reason for the Season is Jesus
| Tags: advent, daily devotion, The Reason for the Season is Jesus
In order to describe the theological significance of Jesus’ birth, theologians like to use the word incarnation. It comes from the Latin meaning “in the flesh.” Incarnation refers to the Christian doctrine that God, who is spirit, took upon Himself human flesh and came as the God-man, the Lord Jesus Christ....
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December 19, 2017
by North Valley Community Church
The Reason for the Season is Jesus
| Tags: advent, daily devotion, The Reason for the Season is Jesus
Luke introduces us to Augustus Caesar, who was ruling at the time that Jesus was born. Augustus Caesar was a very important political leader who ruled over the Roman Empire, one of the most prominent, longstanding, far-reaching empires in the history of the world. He was the adoptive son of Julius Caesar. ...
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December 18, 2017
by North Valley Community Church
The Reason for the Season is Jesus
| Tags: advent, daily devotion, The Reason for the Season is Jesus
Every Christmas, cards start arriving in the mailbox and songs echo at the mall with the word “Immanuel.” But what does that mean?...
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December 15, 2017
by North Valley Community Church
The Reason for the Season is Jesus
| Tags: advent, daily devotion, The Reason for the Season is Jesus
Mary has two options in light of all that has happened in her life. She can either give in to anxiety, or she can focus on history: What has God done?...
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December 14, 2017
by North Valley Community Church
The Reason for the Season is Jesus
| Tags: advent, daily devotion, The Reason for the Season is Jesus
One of the lessons we learn from Mary’s example is to replace worry with worship. It’s okay to be concerned about your life, and to make plans for your future. But Jesus says do not worry (Matt. 6:25...
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December 13, 2017
by North Valley Community Church
The Reason for the Season is Jesus
| Tags: advent, daily devotion, The Reason for the Season is Jesus
Song is a means of enjoying, honoring, recognizing, and proclaiming God. Human beings were made to sing...
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December 11, 2017
by North Valley Community Church
The Reason for the Season is Jesus
| Tags: advent, daily devotion, The Reason for the Season is Jesus
Unmarried. Poor. Young. Pregnant with God.
Mary has a lot to worry about.
Rather than worrying, however, we find her worshipping in Luke 1:46...
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December 8, 2017
by North Valley Community Church
The Reason for the Season is Jesus
| Tags: advent, daily devotion, The Reason for the Season is Jesus
Every man and woman should aspire to have faith like Mary’s. By the grace of God, we should aspire to love God, trust God, and serve Jesus like she did. We should long to have the same kind of heartfelt devotion and affection for Jesus as she did. ...
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December 7, 2017
by North Valley Community Church
The Reason for the Season is Jesus
| Tags: advent, daily devotion, The Reason for the Season is Jesus
The Scriptures are all about Jesus, and we learn ten things about Jesus from the angel Gabriel’s announcement of His birth....
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December 6, 2017
by North Valley Community Church
The Reason for the Season is Jesus
| Tags: advent, daily devotion, The Reason for the Season is Jesus
Gabriel appears to this young girl Mary, and she was startled. Gabriel likely appeared as a man, and men would not have customarily approached and engaged in private with a young woman like that. Additionally, he says that she has found “favor with God.” ...
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December 5, 2017
by North Valley Community Church
The Reason for the Season is Jesus
| Tags: advent, daily devotion, The Reason for the Season is Jesus
Based on how Luke tells her story and describes his research, it is likely that he actually sat down with Mary, an older woman by that time, to ask her questions about her miraculous life. She is a relative of Elizabeth, but when Luke picks up the narrative Mary does not yet know that her elderly cousin is pregnant. Mary is simply a young woman, living a quiet life in a ru...
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December 4, 2017
by North Valley Community Church
The Reason for the Season is Jesus
| Tags: advent, daily devotion, The Reason for the Season is Jesus
As the mother of God, Mary is the most significant woman in the history of the world. Mary’s story begins with the Mother of us all: Eve, the first woman in the history of the world....
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November 30, 2017
by North Valley Community Church
The Reason for the Season is Jesus
| Tags: advent, daily devotion, The Reason for the Season is Jesus
It is stunning and wonderful to think that the longest book of the New Testament was written for one person. Does God love the world? Yes. Does God love all the nations? Yes. Does God love all the cities? Yes. Does He love individuals? Yes, He does. What a great comfort that He would go to such great lengths to actually have one book of the Bible given to one person...
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November 29, 2017
by North Valley Community Church
The Reason for the Season is Jesus
| Tags: advent, daily devotion, The Reason for the Season is Jesus
Luke is mentioned three times in the New Testament, each time by his close friend Paul. Scholars have noted the amount of medical language used in Luke-Acts as an indicator that Dr. Luke was the author.[3] Paul refers to Luke in Philemon 24 as his “fellow worker.” Luke spent lots of time traveling and laboring side-by-side with Paul in the work of the gospel....
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November 28, 2017
by North Valley Community Church
The Reason for the Season is Jesus
| Tags: advent, daily devotion, The Reason for the Season is Jesus
Luke’s massive investigation that culminated in his gospel was motivated by his concern for a man named Theophilus and others like him. This friend was possibly not yet a Christian, but wanted to know the truth about Jesus....
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November 27, 2017
by North Valley Community Church
The Reason for the Season is Jesus
| Tags: advent, daily devotion, The Reason for the Season is Jesus
There is a seemingly insatiable appetite for books, movies, and television shows in which someone with a keen mind is on the hunt to find the truth about an important event....
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December 25, 2015
by North Valley Community Church
Prepare Him Room
| Tags: gospel, Christ, grace, advent, prepare him room
Merry Christmas! Last night we all gathered to hear God’s word, sing, and fellowship. My son Sam had been saving up his allowance so that he could give. No one asked him to do this, but he wanted to. He has been talking about it for the last two weeks. His gift was the lion’s share of all that he has....
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December 24, 2015
by North Valley Community Church
Prepare Him Room
| Tags: gospel, Christ, grace, advent, prepare him room
What is there to be joyful about on Christmas if your heart is overwhelmed with business? What is there to be joyful about if there is no family to share it? What is there to be joyful about if finances or health is failing? Steady yourself, Christian. ...
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December 23, 2015
by North Valley Community Church
Prepare Him Room
| Tags: gospel, Christ, grace, advent, prepare him room
It might sound crazy to leave your home in search of a king, but the wise men studied the stars and scriptures and then made a decision. They would travel a great distance to come and worship a newborn King. Their honesty is strikingly bold. ...
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December 22, 2015
by North Valley Community Church
Prepare Him Room
| Tags: gospel, Christ, grace, advent, prepare him room
The wise men had very little fear. They ask questions because they are learners and not afraid of looking dumb. We have a saying at North Valley: the leaders are the learners. Learners ask questions. ...
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December 21, 2015
by North Valley Community Church
Prepare Him Room
| Tags: gospel, Christ, grace, advent, prepare him room
The wise men were counselors and advisors to political leaders within the Roman Empire. These men studied astrology, dreams, sacred prophetic scriptures, and the arts of magic. At the time of the writing, Jesus had been born in the town of Bethlehem, during the reign of Herod the King...
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December 20, 2015
by North Valley Community Church
Prepare Him Room
| Tags: gospel, Christ, grace, advent, prepare him room
I have good news, which I think will build your confidence. We have looked at God’s Word over the last twenty days, and we've seen how prophecies made concerning the coming Messiah have been fulfilled. ...
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December 19, 2015
by North Valley Community Church
Prepare Him Room
| Tags: gospel, Christ, grace, advent, prepare him room
The Prophet Isaiah said that the Messiah’s kingdom would bring in peace, a peace that would have no end. This prophecy is fulfilled; from the time of Christ’s coming, the peace of God can rest in the hearts of man. Jesus is the peace for even the greatest conflict between good and evil. He is the conquering king. His rule has no end....
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December 18, 2015
by North Valley Community Church
Prepare Him Room
| Tags: gospel, Christ, grace, advent, prepare him room
Do you get furious? Do you have an anger issue? God’s Word tells us that “human anger does not accomplish God's righteousness” (James 1:20 NET). Who are you angry at? Is your anger solving the problem? Why are you angry?...
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December 17, 2015
by North Valley Community Church
Prepare Him Room
| Tags: prepare him room, Christ, gospel, grace, advent
Augustus made peace where historically it had been impossible. His leadership and ingenuity led to the development and reform of the taxation system, roadways, armies, guards, mail systems, and more....
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December 16, 2015
by North Valley Community Church
Prepare Him Room
| Tags: gospel, Christ, grace, advent, prepare him room
As a dad of three kids, I try my best, like most parents, to teach them to do what's right. My goal is to help them become independent of me and dependent upon God. ...
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December 15, 2015
by North Valley Community Church
Prepare Him Room
| Tags: gospel, Christ, grace, advent, prepare him room
In the time of Christ, a decree was an authoritative legal order. If you have ever been evicted from an apartment, it was worse than that. Failure to comply with a decree would result in imprisonment, death, or at the least heavy fining. Luke’s gospel records that Caesar issued a decree that every resident within the Roman Empire should return to their home town to regis...
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December 14, 2015
by North Valley Community Church
Prepare Him Room
| Tags: gospel, Christ, grace, advent, prepare him room
Nine months before our Savior’s birth, an angel appeared to a young Jewish girl, Mary, whom Scripture describes as a virgin, engaged to a man named Joseph. Prior to that angelic visit, Mary must have felt great excitement as she anticipated her marriage. ...
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December 13, 2015
by North Valley Community Church
Prepare Him Room
| Tags: gospel, Christ, grace, advent, prepare him room
As David’s greater son the Lord Jesus ultimately fulfilled this model. God’s will was fully accomplished by the Lord Jesus Christ when He took on human form and completely obeyed the Lord’s good pleasure, finally to die on the cross and to be resurrected....
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December 12, 2015
by North Valley Community Church
Prepare Him Room
| Tags: gospel, Christ, grace, advent, prepare him room
The babe in Bethlehem, whom we celebrate at Christmas, is “Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David and … his kingdom will never end” (Luke 1:32...
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December 11, 2015
by North Valley Community Church
Prepare Him Room
| Tags: gospel, Christ, grace, advent, 33 series, prepare him room
Scripture: "But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons." (Galatians 4:45, NASB)
Consider: That first Christmas, all eyes were on Augustus, the cynical Caesar who demanded a census so as to determine a measurement to inc...
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December 10, 2015
by North Valley Community Church
Prepare Him Room
| Tags: gospel, Christ, grace, advent, prepare him room
The Bible as a whole is a set of directives pointing the way to God...
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December 9, 2015
by North Valley Community Church
Prepare Him Room
| Tags: gospel, Christ, grace, advent, prepare him room
Unrecognized. Unseen. Undiscovered. Nobody knows. Nobody sees. Nobody cares. As long as there is plenty of food, lots of cheer, a plethora of tinsel, and a cornucopia of gifts, everyone’s happy. Jesus? ...
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December 8, 2015
by North Valley Community Church
Prepare Him Room
| Tags: gospel, Christ, grace, advent, prepare him room
Imbedded in the memory of many of us who regularly celebrate Christmas is Matthew’s quotation of Micah 5:2. “And you, Bethlehem, land of Judah, Are by no means least among the leaders of Judah; for out of you shall come forth a Ruler Who will shepherd My people Israel.” (Matthew 2:6)....
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December 7, 2015
by North Valley Community Church
Prepare Him Room
| Tags: gospel, advent, Devotional, prepare him room
The prophet Isaiah once said some 700 years before the birth of Christ, that all of this was for… us! The gift was for you and for me! ...
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December 7, 2015
by North Valley Community Church
Prepare Him Room
| Tags: gospel, Christ, grace, advent, prepare him room
The birth of Jesus would fulfill God’s redemptive plan for humanity. Jesus as the Messiah would establish a Kingdom like as an empire of God’s grace. A Kingdom where God’s justice and mercy would rule and reign. An empire is…an extensive group of states or countries under a single supreme authority, ...
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December 7, 2015
by North Valley Community Church
Prepare Him Room
| Tags: gospel, Christ, grace, advent, prepare him room
We all long for peace, from major urban epicenters to rural run down villages peace is what we want. We want freedom from disturbance; we want quiet and tranquility. We want peace from war and violence. Today we shall find this in the person and work of Christ. As we look upon the forth descriptive name of the messiah in Isaiah 9:6. The Prince of Peace. This perhaps most c...
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December 7, 2015
by North Valley Community Church
Prepare Him Room
| Tags: gospel, Christ, grace, advent, prepare him room
Jesus Christ is everlasting, he has no end nor beginning. While he was born, he was still eternal....
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December 7, 2015
by North Valley Community Church
Prepare Him Room
| Tags: gospel, Christ, grace, advent, prepare him room
Here Isaiah describes the Messiah’s character with four specific names, each revealing our Lord Jesus Christ. Colossians 2:3 says “all treasures of wisdom and knowledge rest in Christ.” ...
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