Posts Tagged with "baptism"

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Meet Katie Fallis

Katie Fallis North Valley Community Church

We recently had the opportunity of interviewing Katie Fallis! Katie recently made the exciting decision to go public with her faith through baptism at North Valley Community Church. ...

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Special Video Announcement from Pastor Ryan

Take a minute to hear the exciting news about the Campus Development projects, our Father's Day and Baptism Sunday services coming up soon, on June 16th! ...

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Vivian Is Living A New Life

Vivian Bush grew up in a Christian household but never fully understood her mom's Christian faith. At the age of 18, she lost her mother and her heart grew cold....

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Blossoming After Baptism

This story is an encouragement to all! Ryan and Taryn McFoy share their story in an interview about their faith journey to be baptized and their spiritual growth as a family at North Valley. ...

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Kevin Ross Comes to Faith in Christ!

Kevin grew up in Scottsdale with his parents and an older brother. He only attended church for funerals. He had no real religious exposure except for a few friends....

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Aliviah Wnenta is a 7th grader at North Valley and this is her story!

She came to our church as an energetic young lady that all would say is “ready to blaze her own path!” Independent and strong! Aliviah was definitely seeking more in her life but not quite sure how to put her finger on exactly what was missing. ...

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Young Man Sold Out for God!

“I always felt like I was stuck in the middle between them. As long as I can remember I believed there was something, or someone making this world go around, I just couldn’t find a way to connect it.” says Kevin. ...

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Dad is Ready to Baptize his Daughter!

The day Will was baptized was one of the greatest moments of his life. There is nothing he wants more than for his family to experience the same level of joy and fulfillment he found since he accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Will has been talking to Emily about Baptism since he was baptized over a year ago. ...

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Mother and Daughter to Share their Faith through the Joy of Baptism

Casey and Daphne are going to be baptized at North Valley on Sunday, September 10th! We are excited for them and their decision to follow Jesus as they make their public proclamation together before the church family. It is going to be a beautiful moment for everyone as mother and daughter experience the sweet opportunity to share their faith through the joy of Baptism. ...

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