Posts Tagged with "Campus"

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Special Video Announcement from Pastor Ryan

Take a minute to hear the exciting news about the Campus Development projects, our Father's Day and Baptism Sunday services coming up soon, on June 16th! ...

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Playground Equipment: Nathan

Nathan is a 5-year-old energetic little boy that loves to run and play! He has grown up in North Valley Kids since the day he was born and loves being at church. Nathan has been learning about Jesus and it is amazing to hear what he can tell you about the Bible. He is growing in his faith all the time! However, as most boys his age do, he has so much energy and loves to be...

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Special Update on Campus from Pastor Ryan!

North Valley Community Church is just 5 years old. 2 years ago, we purchased a 9-acre property, renovated it and moved on site. It is a remarkable accomplishment and a challenging project. We have been worshipping on site for about 13 weeks....

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Special Needs for North Valley from Pastor Ryan

North Valley Community Church is preparing to move to the campus. Lord willing, we will be on the campus by Easter Sunday 2017. We need your help to prepare and get ready for the move. Please see our list of immediate needs and donation needs for the church. ...

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