Posts Tagged with "North Valley"

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God, Jesus Christ, and the abiding guidance of the Holy Spirit are walking through our community and NVCC is prepared to welcome folks with open arms and the Love that can only come from The Living Son of God. See you on Christmas Eve. Keep on Praying!...

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When Andy learned the staff and Elders nominated him to be an Elder, they asked what he most looked forward to as a part of the team, He answered, “Simply put, serving my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by serving the church.”...

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Young Man Sold Out for God!

“I always felt like I was stuck in the middle between them. As long as I can remember I believed there was something, or someone making this world go around, I just couldn’t find a way to connect it.” says Kevin. ...

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Dad is Ready to Baptize his Daughter!

The day Will was baptized was one of the greatest moments of his life. There is nothing he wants more than for his family to experience the same level of joy and fulfillment he found since he accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Will has been talking to Emily about Baptism since he was baptized over a year ago. ...

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Mother and Daughter to Share their Faith through the Joy of Baptism

Casey and Daphne are going to be baptized at North Valley on Sunday, September 10th! We are excited for them and their decision to follow Jesus as they make their public proclamation together before the church family. It is going to be a beautiful moment for everyone as mother and daughter experience the sweet opportunity to share their faith through the joy of Baptism. ...

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Special Update on Campus from Pastor Ryan!

North Valley Community Church is just 5 years old. 2 years ago, we purchased a 9-acre property, renovated it and moved on site. It is a remarkable accomplishment and a challenging project. We have been worshipping on site for about 13 weeks....

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God Calls Christina to a Global Mission - Explore Being Part!

I felt God nudging me to lead and He used his people, other members in our church to confirm that He was calling me to serve as Mission Team Leader!...

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Special Needs for North Valley from Pastor Ryan

North Valley Community Church is preparing to move to the campus. Lord willing, we will be on the campus by Easter Sunday 2017. We need your help to prepare and get ready for the move. Please see our list of immediate needs and donation needs for the church. ...

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Dominican Republic Mission Trip

Video highlights from North Valley's mission trip to the Dominican Republic...

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Los Angeles Mission Trip

Pastor Ryan had sent us as an intern and volunteer staff team of four to serve an extremely young church plant, Epiphany, in South LA in whatever way they needed help....

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Red and Yellow, Black and White

From July 23rd through July 30th, 2016 our small and mighty North Valley mission team will be serving children in the Dominican Republic. ...

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