Posts Tagged with "Week 3"

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His temptation, our temptation

Jesus suffered temptation, fought it, and succeeded so that we could know that we could do it too. He also experienced how difficult and painful it can be, so He knows that fighting temptation is difficult....

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Fighting sin the Jesus way

Jesus fights temptation with scripture. Three times the devil tempts Jesus, and three times Jesus says, “It is written.” He is quoting the Bible. Using God’s own words is the most powerful weapon we have. The devil can’t argue with God Himself. By using scripture, you can be certain the thought or words you use to defend yourself are true and right!...

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Three kinds of temptation, part 2

The final temptation the devil has for Jesus is, in some ways, the most basic. In other words, the kind of sin that leads to all other sins. He wants Jesus to worship something besides God and to take God’s power and glory for Himself....

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Three kinds of temptation, part 1

The devil presented Jesus with three different kinds of temptation. They aren’t the only kinds of temptation, but they are some good example of the types of temptations we all face....

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What is temptation?

We’ve all seen cartoons in which a tiny white, winged angel and a tiny red, horned devil appear on a character’s shoulders to try to convince him or her to do something. It’s supposed to be funny, but the devil is a real being who really interacted with Jesus--and who interacts with us! Being tempted is one of the ways Jesus became like us, so that he could set us an...

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