Posts Tagged with "Week 4"

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Day 20: All in the Family

God gives us gifts, talents, and strengths to use us in the local church ministry. No one can do everything, and most people focus their efforts in a few areas. That’s good! The Apostle Paul calls the church a family, where all the family works together for the good of everyone. All the different roles, but for the family to work well, everyone needs to be doing somethin...

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Day 19: Crazy Courage

Friends bring out different aspects of your personality. With some people, you might be serious. With others, you might do crazy, silly things. The paralyzed man had friends who were serious about ministering to him, even it took some crazy steps to do it. They were ready to do whatever it took to help him....

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Day 18: Ministry of Mercy

How do you react when someone hurts you? It probably depends. Was it accidental or intentional? Are they sorry or unconcerned? Will they do it again, or are they making sure it won’t happen a second time? As Jesus was ministering to sinners, the way He treated people varied a lot....

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Day 17: All Kinds of People

Have you ever tried to teach or train someone who didn’t want to learn? It’s hard! On the other hand, when someone is motivated and eager to learn, teaching can be much easier. Jesus ministered to people of all kinds, to His followers and opponents alike....

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Day 16: Jesus' Holistic Ministry Approach

After Jesus’ baptism and temptation, He began going all over Israel, starting His public ministry--the time He spent interacting with others to show them why He had come. From the story of the paralyzed man, we can see three key parts of His ministry....

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