Posts Tagged with "Week 5"

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Day 25: Reconciliation and Forgiveness

Forgiveness isn’t just something we need in order to restore our relationship with God or to offer to those who sin against us. Forgiveness is part of our mission to work with God to spread His message to the whole world. 2 Corinthians 5 gives us instructions and a description of how God’s forgiveness should affect us...

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Day 24: No condemnation

When someone suffers a tragedy, they often receive the most comfort from others who have gone through the same thing. They know something about how they are feeling and understand the struggles and difficulties they must endure. ...

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Day 23: Hypocrisy

The Bible tells us that this woman was caught in adultery. Notice something missing? Where’s the man she was sinning with? If she were caught in the act, the Pharisees had to have caught him, too, yet they didn’t bring him to be accused publicly....

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Day 22: Justice or Mercy

Have you ever been punished as an example? You broke a rule and the enforcer threw the book at you, not because you needed to learn a lesson yourself, but to deter others from doing the same thing. It feels humiliating, especially if you have already repented and tried to correct your mistake....

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Day 21: It’s a trap!

In John 8, the scribes and Pharisees (Jewish religious leaders) are trying to trip up Jesus by getting Him to break Jewish laws. This time, they bring Him a woman who, under the Jewish laws given by God, clearly should have been condemned to death. They wanted to see if Jesus would forgive her anyway. ...

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