Posts Tagged with "Week 7"

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Day 35: Our Spiritual Resurrection

Jesus’ resurrection shows us what the resurrection of our physical bodies will be like. It also shows us what our spiritual resurrection is like. ...

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Day 34: Our Physical Resurrection

Jesus told the disciples that He would send them like the Father sent Him. Does this mean that the Jesus’ followers will die and be resurrected, too? Yes! But not in exactly the same way Jesus did. ...

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Day 33: Evidence of Things Not Seen

Jesus’ disciple Thomas is famous for being the one who said he would believe Jesus’ resurrection when he saw it with his own eyes. But Thomas wasn’t really unique in that respect. ...

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Day 32: Resurrection: Proof of Power

Remember the miracle of the paralyzed man who was lowered through the roof? The religious leaders thought Jesus’ claim to forgive sins was blasphemy, so He also healed the man....

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Day 31: Where Did He Go?

When you’re looking for something you have misplaced, have you ever said, “Well, it couldn't have walked off by itself”? You expect objects to be where you last left them. ...

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