The Mix of Emotions Around Mother’s Day
Day 4 – The Mix of Emotions Around Mother’s Day
“Honor your father and mother”
Ephesians 6:2
The Bible tells us to honor our mother. The culture celebrates them with a holiday, and yet so often, we forget to slow down and think about the mix of emotions of others. It’s important to try to understand how other people around you feel about Mother’s Day!
There are young mothers with kids cooped up in the homes and waiting for school to end, pools, camps, and church to open! There are those anticipating the birth of their first child and nervous. There are step-moms; I like to call bonus moms wondering what their place is in the family? There are foster or adoptive moms wondering if they can make it.
There are those who have lost their mother and are grieving around this holiday. There are moms who encounter feelings of hurt because their children have turned away from God. There are moms who long to see their kids but can’t because of the travel restrictions.
There are those overwhelmed with pain from the loss of a child. There are the kids that never had a loving mom or knew their biological mom, one reason or another, and have been raised by another family member or caregiver.
No matter how you feel around Mother’s Day, you can always turn to God and experience love, peace, and joy. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted (Psalm 34:18).
Take some time to do what you can to help someone in need around you. Tomorrow, we will provide a special prayer guide for the many kinds of mothers in our world.
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