Part 5 – Don’t Forget: You’ve Been Changed by Grace + Called to Action

January 30, 2025 Pastor: Ryan Rice Series: Healthy Christian Living

Topic: Grace Scripture: Titus 2:15– 3:8

Healthy Christian Living

Part 5 – Don’t Forget: You’ve Been Changed by Grace + Called to Action

Lead/Founding Pastor: Ryan Rice

Thursday, January 30th, 2025

Sunday, February 2nd, 2025


The Passage 

Titus 2:15-3:8,ESV


Four Things to Remember 

  • Remember your authorities (2:15–3:2)
  • Rember your sin. (vs.3)
  • Remember your salvation. (vs. 4-7)
  • Remember your mission. (vs.8)


Talk It Over

Ice Breaker-  What’s one thing God has changed in your life and you’re happy about it!

  1. Take a minute to review the sermon outline and read the passage. What stood out and why? 
  2. What does Romans 13:1-2 say about respecting authority? How does this align with Titus 3:1-2?  
  3. Read Acts 5:29. When is it appropriate for Christians to disobey earthly authority? 
  4. Read Ephesians 2:1-3. How does this passage compare to Titus 3:3 regarding our past sinful condition?  
  5. What does 1 Timothy 1:15 teach us about humility in remembering our sin?  
  6. Read John 6:44. What does this say about God’s role in salvation? How does this relate to Titus 3:5? 
  7. Read Romans 5:1. How does being justified by faith bring peace with God?
  8. Look at Matthew 5:16. How do good works reflect our faith? 
  9. Read 1 Peter 4:10. How does this passage encourage us to serve within the church?
  10. According to Colossians 4:5-6, how should we conduct ourselves in everyday life to be a witness for Christ?
  11. Take some time to pray for your witness as group to share and show the love of Jesus with others. Pray for the witness and good works in our church!