The Name and Fame of Jesus #8 Jesus Appears to His Disciples After the Resurrection

April 7, 2024 Pastor: Ryan Rice Series: The Name and Fame of Jesus

Topic: Gospel of John Scripture: John 21:1–14

The Name and Fame of Jesus

#8 Jesus Appears to His Disciples After the Resurrection 

Lead/Founding Pastor: Ryan Rice 

Thursday, April 4th, 2024

Sunday, April 7th, 2024


The Passage

John 21:1-14, ESV 


  • Man’s fear and failure. (vs.1-3)

(Matthew 28:16, John 16:32/1 Thessalonians 4:11, John 21:15)

  • God’s divine power and success. (vs.4-8)

(Matthew 8:23-27, Matthew 14:22-33, Matthew 17:24-27)

  • God’s personal and pastoral nature. (vs.9-14)

(John 18:15-27, Luke 5:1-11, John 21:15-19)


We All Can Relate to Peter  

1. Peter made a lot of bad decisionsJohn 13:26-38, John 18:15-27, Matthew 16:21-23, John 18:10


2. Peter went back to his old way of lifeJohn 21-3, Luke 5:1-11, 2 Corinthians 5:17 


3. Peter eventually goes all in to serve the LORD. Matthew 16:16-18, Acts 2:14-41, John 21:15-19





Icebreaker: Share about one of your most fun fishing trips. What made it memorable?


Discussion Questions


  1. Take a minute to review the outline and read the entire passage (John 21:1-14). What stood out to you, and why?
  2. How do you relate to Peter's experiences of fear and failure, as seen in John 21:1-3? Have you ever felt overwhelmed or uncertain about following Jesus?
  3. Reflecting on John 21:4-8, what do you think Jesus' miraculous catch of fish teaches us about His divine power and success? How does this demonstrate His authority over creation?
  4. Can you share a time when you experienced God's provision or success in a seemingly impossible situation, similar to the disciples' experience in John 21:4-8?
  5. In John 21:9-14, Jesus shares a meal with His disciples, demonstrating His personal and pastoral nature. How does this scene illustrate Jesus' care and concern for His followers?
  6. Reflecting on Peter's journey of fear, failure, and eventual commitment, as outlined in the sermon, which aspect resonates with you the most? How does Peter's story encourage you in your own faith journey?
  7. In what ways do you see yourself in Peter's character? How can you learn from his experiences and apply them to your own life?
  8. As mentioned in the sermon outline, what obstacles or fears might be holding you back from fully committing to following Jesus? How can you overcome them?
  9. Are there other passages in the Bible that come to mind as we discuss Peter's experiences in John 21? How do they complement or expand upon what we've learned?
  10. As we conclude, take a moment to consider how you can go "all in" to serve the Lord, just as Peter eventually did. What steps can you take to deepen your commitment to following Jesus?