North Valley Church is a non-denominational Christian church located in Phoenix, Arizona. We gather each Sunday on our campus located at 27201 N. Black Canyon Hwy., Phoenix, AZ. 85085 (I-17, 1/2 mile North of Jomax).
North Valley Church was founded in 2012 by Pastor Ryan Rice. Ryan moved to the Phoenix valley in 2010 and started with two basic plans: to help people love God and love their neighbors. Pastor Ryan started a neighborhood group that met in his family's apartment. When they outgrew that space, they moved to the apartment clubhouse. As God's Word was continually being taught and the members of the group continually reached out to share and show the love of Christ to their neighbors, men, women, and children began to place their faith in Christ and were baptized. This new community used local apartments and neighborhood pools for baptism services.
As the neighborhood group continued to grow and other leaders joined the team, more and more people began to gather in homes and apartment communities around the North Valley. One neighborhood group turned to three, and over time the groups moved into a local church for teaching, worship, and fellowship with each other on Sunday afternoons.
On September 23, 2012, we had our grand opening at Barry Goldwater High School. Since that time the church has continued to grow, adapt, and adjust to new opportunities. At one time the church had wonderful offices and a very comfortable auditorium but gave them up to save money for a future permanent location to meet and worship.
In the spring of 2015, the church launched a bold new initiative to purchase land in the North Valley. What takes most churches ten years or more to accomplish took North Valley Church only three years.
Our small yet growing church has followed the pastoral team’s sacrificial example to give up financial security and the present needs and wants for a future vision! By God's grace, our congregation responded with incredible generosity! Everyone gave the largest one-time gift they ever had in hopes of acquiring a nine-acre property as our future church home.
By God's grace, the church closed on the new property on September 11, 2015. At the time of closing, it was estimated that it would take 2-3 years to renovate the current buildings and be 100% on site. Due to the continued growth and generosity of the church, NVC acquired the needed additional financing, secured a construction loan, and are actively working to renovate the campus to become our permanent place of worship and gathering.
The church has always been about the great commandments and the great commission. Pastor Ryan says "Any church that commits to the great commission and great commandments will be great!" Since the birth of the church, North Valley has seen God do great things. Members of our church family have served as local missionaries in their apartment communities and schools, supporting teachers and children in need through school supply drives. Deer Valley Unified School District named the church the top Community Partner of the Year. We have been involved with local police and fire departments, and we have partnered with former Governor Jan Brewer to address the foster care crisis in Arizona. Globally, we have partnered to plant churches throughout the world and closer to home here in the United States.
Although the church is young, we continue to increase our area of influence within Phoenix. By God's grace, we will continue to mature as a congregation, through Christ-centered Biblical teaching and vibrant Community Groups that are connected and active, all with the ultimate desire to glorify Christ throughout the North Valley and beyond.