Family Foundations: Building on Truth and Grace –Part 1
May 9, 2024 Pastor: Ryan & Leslie Rice Series: FAMILY FOUNDATIONS: Building on Truth and Grace
Topic: Parenting Scripture: John 1:14, Psalm 127:3–5
FAMILY FOUNDATIONS: Building on Truth and Grace –Part 1
Lead/Founding Pastor: Ryan and Leslie Rice
Thursday, May 9th, 2024
Sunday, May 12th, 2024
John 1:14, Psalm 127:3-5
Building on Truth and Grace – Part 1
1. The Goal and Glory of Parenting | Psalms 127:3-5, Genesis 1:28
2. Family Values and Vision | Deuteronomy 6:5-7, Proverbs 29:18
3. Lead by Example | 1 Corinthians 11:1, Philippians 4:9
4. Rules and Relationship | Proverbs 29:17, Proverbs 22:6
5. Life Is Not Fair | Matthew 25:14-30, Romans 9:14-16
6. Life Long Learner | Proverbs 1:5, Proverbs 12:15
7. Serve Together | Matthew 28:19-20, Joshua 24:15
8. Be a Shepherd | John 10:11-12, I Peter 5:2-4
9. Teach the Tithe | Malachi 3:10, Mark 12:41-44
10. Parenting Seasons | Proverbs 22:6, Psalm 90:12
11. Green light. Red Light Parenting | Proverbs 22:6, Psalm 90:12
12. Remember Grace | John 1:14, Romans 5:20-21
1. The Bible tells us to honor our mother. How can you honor your mom not only on Mother's Day but throughout the given year? Even if she's passed away, how can you honor her memory, her life, and her legacy? (Ex. 20:12)
2. Take a minute to review the sermon outline and discuss what stood out to you the most and why.
3. Reflecting on Parenting Goals: How do you interpret the idea that children are a heritage from the Lord (Psalm 127:3-5)? In what practical ways can parents align their goals with God's intentions for their children's lives (Genesis 1:28)?
4. Establishing Family Values: How can families practically integrate faith into their daily lives, as instructed in Deuteronomy 6:5-7? What challenges do families face in maintaining a consistent vision for their household (Proverbs 29:18)
5. Leading by Example: Why is leading by example crucial in parenting (1 Corinthians 11:1)? How can parents ensure they're modeling Christ-like behavior for their children (Philippians 4:9)?
6. Balancing Rules and Relationship: Share about a time when you experienced the balance between rules and relationship in your family life. How can discipline be implemented in a way that strengthens the parent-child relationship (Proverbs 29:17, Proverbs 22:6)?
7. Understanding Life's Fairness: Discuss a situation where life's fairness seemed unjust to you. How did you reconcile it with your faith (Matthew 25:14-30)? How does the parable of the talents challenge our understanding of fairness (Matthew 5:45, Romans 9:14-16)?
8. Embracing a Lifelong Learning Mentality: What are practical ways families can foster a culture of continuous learning and growth (Proverbs 1:5)? How can we encourage one another to seek wisdom and guidance in our parenting journey (Proverbs 12:15)?
9. Serving Together as a Family: Share about a memorable experience serving together as a family. What impact did it have on your relationships? How can families discern and engage in serving opportunities that align with their values and passions (Matthew 28:19-20, Joshua 24:15)?
10. Nurturing Shepherd-like kids. How does the imagery of a shepherd apply to parenting (John 10:11-12)? What does it mean practically to shepherd our children towards spiritual growth (1 Peter 5:2-4)? Discuss how there are sheep, wolves and shepherds.
11. Exploring the Concept of Tithing: How can parents teach the principle of tithing to their children in a meaningful way (Malachi 3:10)? Share about a time when you experienced the blessings of giving back to God (Mark 12:41-44).
12. Navigating Parenting Seasons: Discuss the significance of recognizing and adapting to different parenting seasons (Proverbs 22:6, Psalm 90:12). How can parents adjust their approach as their children transition through various stages of life?