Jesus is Using North Valley to Connect People

Jesus is so evidently working in and through our church. This month, we are so excited to share an encouraging story about how the ministries at North Valley have impacted the life of a wonderful young woman in our church. We are pleased for you to meet, Kassidi Carroll.
Kassidi writes “I found North Valley at a time in my life where I was in desperate need of a Christian community and a place to grow in my faith. I had attended one service before Christmas of 2022 and felt at home in the church. I wasn’t able to attend the church again until February 2023. I went to the Women’s Craft Event without knowing a soul and felt so incredibly welcomed into the church. I knew people knew I was a new face, but I was treated like I belonged. I’ve been faithfully attending North Valley ever since then and it has had nothing but a positive impact on my life.”
She explains that “North Valley has given me numerous opportunities to grow in my faith. One way is through the women’s bible study. I am blessed to be in a group with women who have so much more wisdom than myself. Being involved in the young adults community group has given me wonderful Christian friends to lean into and do life with.”
“I have also been blessed to serve in both our kids ministry and junior high ministry. In the kids ministry, I teach 3rd-5th grade. God has used this position to push me in my faith to understand scripture in a way that children will understand it, as well. In junior high, I had the opportunity to go to UCYC summer camp this year. UCYC opened up conversations and opportunities for us as leaders to express our desire for these kids to know God more and how we can do that in our everyday lives. There is something that changes in your heart when you teach the next generation about the love of Christ. I can say without a doubt my faith has been strengthened through my roles with the Next Generation Team. God has deepened my understanding of who He is and the importance of teaching these kids about Him. Watching the kids grow in their love and understanding of Christ has only helped to grow mine as well.”
“Serving makes an impact in the church, the community, and in your own life. God uses service to grow us and push the boundaries of what we think we can do. Honestly, I never thought I could teach kids. But God created a role that needed to be filled in the kid's ministry and placed it on my heart to step into that role. Through His faithfulness, I have grown so much in my faith. God uses people who are under-qualified to do His work all the time”
The Lord is at work in our Church and we are so thankful that He continues to show his faithfulness here at North Valley. When you give, you're fueling and funding ministries that touch the lives of people and bring them closer to Christ.
To Christ Be The Glory In the North Valley,
Pastor Ryan Rice
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