Three Observations on One Verse


"However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband." Ephesians 5:33


In looking at this text, there are three key observations that are important to make in the marriage relationship. 

  1. It reveals weakness.  Men aren’t great at loving, and women aren’t great at respect, otherwise the Apostle Paul wouldn’t command it to them respectively.  This has been the case ever since Adam and Eve in the garden.  Since sin entered the world, the marriage relationship and its roles are all messed up. 
  2. It reveals need.  God made the husband to run on respect from his wife.  On the other hand, God made the wife to run on love from her husband.  If the husband is filled up on respect, he can run forever!  Similarly, If the wife is fueled up with love, she will feel and run great, too!  Love and respect are God-given needs that married couples must meet. 
  3. You can change.  If God’s word tells us to do something, we can be confident he will help us to accomplish it.  Husbands who are unloving and unkind, can become loving and kind.  Wives that disrespectful and not submissive, can change.  God changes people and marriages.  He’s given us his son to pay for all our sins.  He’s given us the Holy Spirit to help us rely on his power.  He’s given us his word to learn and grow.  He’s given us Godly people to learn from as well.  The Apostle Paul expected husbands to become more loving, and the wives to become more respectful.  You can too!  Start with you!   

Couples Discussion 

  • What’s an area you would like to change in your life? 
  • Share how you need your spouse.  Affirm them and their roles and responsibilities. 
  • Take some time to pray for one another. 


Want to Learn More about Marriage?  Got Questions?

I am relaunching Real Life with Ryan on my personal Facebook page, which will have live videos starting with Marriage & Parenting on Thursdays at noon.  If you have questions about our current series or just about marriage and parenting, please send them over to me at, where I have a form that you can use to ask me questions that I might use in the Facebook live events.  Join me beginning Thursday, August 25th at noon.